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Beats Powerbeats Pro Wireless Earbuds - Apple H1 Headphone Chip, Class 1 Bluetooth Headphones, 9 Hou

beats powerbeats pro wireless earbuds apple h1 headphone chip class 1 bluetooth headphones 9 hours of listening time sweat resistant built in mi

Beats Powerbeats Pro Wireless Earbuds - Apple H1 Headphone Chip, Class 1 Bluetooth Headphones, 9 Hours of Listening Time, Sweat Resistant, Built-in Microphone - Black

  • Totally wireless high-performance earphones
  • Up to 9 hours of listening time (more than 24 hours with charging case)
  • Adjustable, secure-fit earhooks for lightweight comfort and stability
  • Reinforced design for sweat & water resistance during tough workouts
  • Volume & track controls on each earbud, voice capability, and Auto Play/Pause
  • Powerful, balanced sound with dynamic range and noise isolation
  • Earbuds connect independently via Class 1 Bluetooth for extended range and fewer dropouts

Buy Now : Beats Powerbeats Pro Wireless Earbuds - Apple H1 Headphone Chip, Class 1 Bluetooth Headphones, 9 Hours of Listening Time, Sweat Resistant, Built-in Microphone - Black

Brand : Beats
Rating : 4.5
ListPrice : US $249.95
Price : US $179.95
Review Count : 69928

beats powerbeats pro wireless earbuds apple h1 headphone chip class 1 bluetooth headphones 9 hours of listening time sweat resistant built in mi
beats powerbeats pro wireless earbuds apple h1 headphone chip class 1 bluetooth headphones 9 hours of listening time sweat resistant built in mi
beats powerbeats pro wireless earbuds apple h1 headphone chip class 1 bluetooth headphones 9 hours of listening time sweat resistant built in mi
beats powerbeats pro wireless earbuds apple h1 headphone chip class 1 bluetooth headphones 9 hours of listening time sweat resistant built in mi
beats powerbeats pro wireless earbuds apple h1 headphone chip class 1 bluetooth headphones 9 hours of listening time sweat resistant built in mi
beats powerbeats pro wireless earbuds apple h1 headphone chip class 1 bluetooth headphones 9 hours of listening time sweat resistant built in mi
beats powerbeats pro wireless earbuds apple h1 headphone chip class 1 bluetooth headphones 9 hours of listening time sweat resistant built in mi
beats powerbeats pro wireless earbuds apple h1 headphone chip class 1 bluetooth headphones 9 hours of listening time sweat resistant built in mi
beats powerbeats pro wireless earbuds apple h1 headphone chip class 1 bluetooth headphones 9 hours of listening time sweat resistant built in mi

Beats Powerbeats Pro Wireless Earbuds - Apple H1 Headphone Chip, Class 1 Bluetooth Headphones, 9 Hours of Listening Time, Sweat Resistant, Built-in Microphone - Black

  • These are really amazing wireless earbuds. I\'m gonna do pros and cons along with some other thoughts about this product. This review is written 4 months after using this product.Pros:1. Battery life. The battery life is amazing. I never had these die on me except when I play video games all night. They also have fast charging which is very useful if you need to charge them real quick.2. Fit. The fit is really perfect. They feel comfortable and they stay in my ears perfectly. I exercise a lot and these earbuds always stay in my ears when I\'m at the gym and when I\'m running. If you are looking for some workout earbuds, then these will give you reliable and beautiful performance.3. Sound quality. The sound quality is amazing. Nice, clear and crisp.4. The Apple features. The extra features that the Powerbeats have when using with apple devices are nice but don\'t let those features discourage you android users from buying the Powerbeats. The features aren\'t important enough for you to decide not to buy them (Not gonna list out the features in order to make this review shorter)5. Range. The range is amazing. I can be listening to music on my phone and leave my phone in my room and walk anywhere in the house and still be able to listen to the music. The music starts cutting out depending on the amount of objects blocking the signal.6. Ability to wear with glasses. I can wear these with my glasses with no problem at all. I can take my glasses on and off and have no trouble.7. Good microphone. I use these earbuds for phone calls and video calls and the person can hear me pretty good. I can hear them perfectly fine. My brother tells me that I sound muffled but he can still hear me good.Cons:1. Pain. After wearing them for a couple of hours, I start to feel slight discomfort. This only happens after many hours so it isn\'t something i\'m complaining about. Just felt like I should mention it so everyone is aware. The pain that is the problem is the major pain that comes after weeks of regular use. I\'m not sure what is happening but it\'s like the Powerbeats is making the skin inside my ear peel off. I think this is happening because they are too tight in my ears. This has happened I believe 3 times and the goes away after I left my ears heal. As i\'m writing this review, I am experiencing the major pain and I adjusted the left earhook so it\'s not as tight in my ear as before (Problem is currently only in my left ear). I\'m not sure if I\'m the only one who experiences this but if you can deal with this then don\'t let that discourage you from buying the Powerbeats (It isn\'t that big of a problem for me).2. Bluetooth connection on Windows 10 computers. I\'m not sure if this also happens on other versions of Windows and android devices but sometimes there would randomly be a 1-2 second cut in the sound about every two minutes. This doesn\'t happen at all on my iPhone. I would also experience random disconnections on my laptop. Another thing about the connection is that it is weaker on my laptop than on my phone. Not sure why.3. Bulky case. This doesn\'t matter to me at all because I usually have a bag that I carry with me when I go to places that I can slip the case into. I\'m just mentioning it so people can be aware. You can put it in your pocket if you want but it will look weird because there will be a giant bulge in your pants.That\'s it about the pros and cons. Now it\'s time to talk about the problems I had with the Powerbeats. I\'m having flashbacks of the problems I encountered while typing this part of the review. Problem 1. This only happened once but I will still talk about it. I was connecting the Powerbeats to my iPhone and forgetting them in the bluetooth settings because I was enjoying the animation that pops up when you pair them with your iPhone. Then all of a sudden they would not pair again. Man I thought they were already broken and it was the day I got them. I thought my $200 dollars went down the drain. But luckily I managed to get them to pair again after a long time of research and trying different things. What fixed the problem was charging the case because apparently since it was at I believe 30 something percent, it couldn\'t pair. Problem 2. This was the worst problem. I\'ve had this problem happen twice in the last month and a half. One of the earbuds would not pair and sound would only come out of the earbud that was paired. I had to switch back to my other pair of wireless earbuds that I previously had until I figured out how to solve this problem. It took days of extensive research and multiple solution attempts before I finally managed to fix the problem. I was about to return them but luckily I solved the problem before I did.Final thoughts: Despite the cons and problems I encountered, I would still recommend these earbuds to anyone. If you encounter any of the problems I did, I hope you can easily solve them and if you don\'t, you can reply to my comment and ask me for my solution. Hopefully Amazon has a feature where you get notifications when someone replies to your review. If you read this whole thing, thank you and I appreciate it. If you didn\'t then thanks for taking a look at it.Update: I no longer experience the major pain in my ears and the skin peeling off after I adjusted the earhooks to get the right fit (Update written on 8/18/21).
  • I have had my Powerbeats Pro for about a week now and after a bit of a rocky start and an adjustment period, I find them to be almost perfect headphones. When I first put them on, I was wildly disappointed. They were uncomfortable and sounded tinny with no bass at all. I genuinely believed I would be returning them and getting second gen Air Pods instead. But, given how excited I was for the Powerebeats Pro to come out and the cost, I decided to put in a little effort and give them a chance. It wasn\'t until about 3 or 4 days in that I decided to keep them.So, if you are like me and think your new Powerbeats Pro sound like garbage when you first put them on and you wonder if all the positive reviewers are high, experiment with all the tips before dismissing the headphones as crap. In-ear buds need a good seal to sound good. I have freakishly small ears so I always start with the smallest tip available when trying out new headphones which usually works for me. Not this time. It sounded awful and I was briefly outraged that I had paid $250 for garbage. It was counter-intuitive, but I finally tried the biggest tips instead which gave me a good seal and let me wear the headphones without having to go as deep into my ears which made them more comfortable too. Once I found the right fit with a good seal, I discovered that yes, in fact, these things do actually have some nice ear-thumping bass. I think the bass is better than original Air Pods but also not overwhelming as Beats products have a reputation for being. It\'s satisfyingly skull shaking without being distorted and is balanced out nicely by clear highs. I\'m not an audiophile by any means, but I won\'t listen to any old crap either. I like a little bass and good clarity and the Powerbeats Pro deliver.My biggest issue with these is comfort. As I mentioned, I have freakishly small ears and while I have been using Air Pods for a couple years, I was doing so with discomfort. I put up with a little paind because of the convenience of function. I love the automatic connection, the ability to use one bud at a time and charging on the go in the case. So, when I first read about the Powerbeats Pro, I was expecting something that would have the convenience of Air Pods with better comfort and something that wouldn\'t fall out of my ears all the time. Generally, I do okay with headphones that have different sizes of silicone tips so I was expecting the Powerbeats Pro to be a comfort upgrade. Initially, they actually hurt my ears more than Air Pods, especially my right ear. I fully blame this on my freakishly small ears. I\'m one of those people who often finds \"one size fits all\" to be laughably ridiculous. Again, I was determined to love these things so I tinkered a bit to find an acceptable level of discomfort. The largest tip allows me to get a good seal without having to put them in so deep, relieving some pressure and cutting down on pain. When I first tried them, I could only last about 20 minutes before the pain forced me to take them out. After adjusting to find a good angle and replacing the silicone tips with Comply Sport tips, I\'m a lot more comfortable and can last 2 or 3 hours before I feel discomfort. Even then, I would call it discomfort and not outright pain. It\'s discomfort I can live with and not any worse than what I experience with Air Pods. Also, my discomfort is only in my right ear instead of both like I get with Air Pods. Since I go with one bud a lot of the time, I\'ll just use the left one. No biggie. I can\'t blame the manufacturer for my tiny ears which is why I\'m not taking away a star.On the plus side, the fit is very secure. I have worked out in them several times and they don\'t budge. I never could work out in Air Pods because they fell out all the time. I can also wear these while laying down which I couldn\'t do in Air Pods without them falling out periodically. Also, the connection is great. Original Air Pods used to randomly lose connection or not connect when they were supposed to. The chip upgrade in the Powerbeats Pro seems to have resolved this little annoyance. They connect faster and after a week, I haven\'t experienced a drop or glitch once.The Powerbeats Pro do come with a tradeoff when it comes to the size of the case. If you are used to carrying around Air Pods in your pocket in their tiny case, forget about it with Powerbeats Pro. The case is significantly larger. It goes in a bag or purse without taking up a ton of room but it\'s too big to fit comfortably in a pocket. The extra battery life for Powerbeats is nice though. I frequently use one bud at a time and used to drain an Air Pod and have to switch ears regularly. I\'m using the Powerbeats Pro the same way and haven\'t drained a bud yet. I\'m okay with the bigger case since the better battery life makes me feel secure about leaving the case at home when I need to go bagless.So in summary, these are the best sounding buds I have used. They are super convenient, easy to connect and won\'t fall out of your ears. If you have normal human sized ears, they will probably be comfortable and the battery life is great. You have to deal with a bigger case but the positive improvements over Air Pods make the size trade-off worth it. If you don\'t hear the bass, try different tips and twist them around a bit before you give up. Hopefully you won\'t have to work as hard at it as I did to find your happy place with Powerbeats Pro but the effort has been worth it. These are really great headphones and worth the price.

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